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Housing Champion: Calum (Barney) MacKay

Jimmy Black cycled to Stornoway to meet Calum (Barney) MacKay, chair of TPAS Scotland and long-standing tenant activist. Barney is a trade unionist, and that explains a lot. Trades unions teach their active members how to do many useful things, including basic skills, like how to run a meeting or the more advanced techniques involved…

TPAS Scotland acts as an independent advisor in Copperworks Housing Association transfer

TPAS Scotland, Scotland’s independent tenant and landlord engagement organisation, were instrumental in the recent ballot to determine the transfer proposal of Copperworks Housing Association to Spire View Housing Association.  TPAS ensured tenants were kept informed at every stage throughout the process and their views were taken account of.   We spoke with Lesley Baird of…

New Challenges. New Conversations

We are delighted to announce that Scottish Housing Minister Paul McLennan MSP will be joining us at the TPAS Annual Conference on Wed 28th June.   As he is recent in his role, the Minister will address some of the key challenges facing tenants and housing organisations today around;   Housing to 2040 Housing supply…

Regulator launches national discussion on the future of social housing regulation in Scotland 

The Scottish Housing Regulator today launched a national discussion on the future of social housing regulation in Scotland. It has published a discussion paper inviting tenants, landlords and others with an interest in its work to share their feedback and views by 11 August 2023.   The discussion paper sets out the Regulator’s early thinking…

Supporting Tenants Workshop at TPAS Annual Conference

There are some interesting workshops planned for the TPAS Conference later this month.   We recently caught up with Judith Sutherland Director of Housing at Langstane Housing Association about her workshop “Supporting Tenants” which is taking place on Thursday 29th June at 9.15am.   Langstane Housing Association is a unique organisation.  Back in 1977 it…

SHR publishes lessons learned on effective recording of decisions and discussions by governing bodies of Registered Social Landlords

The Scottish Housing Regulator today published a report on Lessons Learned on effective recording of decisions and discussions by governing bodies of Registered Social Landlords (RSLs).   The Lessons Learned is part of the Regulator’s suite of advisory guidance. The Regulator commissioned this report to help RSLs following the outcomes of its annual risk assessment…

TPAS Annual Conference – New Challenges. New Conversations

New Challenges…New Conversations is the theme for this year’s TPAS Scotland Annual Conference.  Taking place in the Golden Jubilee Hotel, Clydebank from Wednesday 28th to Friday 30th June, the conference will bring together tenants, housing associations, government and supporting organisations from across the social housing sector to listen and get involved in conversations with the…

Get involved in your regional network!

Established in 2008, the Regional Networks is a tenant and resident led organisation, made up of tenants and residents across Scotland who work together with the Scottish Government to improve housing and well-being and collaborate on development of national policy and housing issues.  Colin Stewart and Shona Gorman recently presented to the TPAS Scotland members…

TPAS Annual Conference Keynote Speaker: Professor John McKendrick

We spoke with Professor John McKendrick – Scottish Poverty and Inequality Research Unit, Glasgow Caledonian University who is speaking at this year’s Annual Conference on the topic of Poverty in Scotland in 2023: The Way Ahead.   Recent reports suggest that a million people in Scotland are affected by poverty, with 24% of those being…

The TPAS Scotland National Good Practice Awards Are Back for 2023!

This article was first published in Scottish Housing News.   The TPAS Scotland National Good Practice Awards is a key milestone in the social housing calendar designed to recognise the fantastic work and innovation happening across the sector, both by individuals and organisations.   Organised by TPAS Scotland and hosted at the TPAS Scotland Annual…

Housing Regulator publishes Strategy and work plans for 2023/24

The Scottish Housing Regulator today published its new Strategy and work plans for 2023/24. The Regulator’s priorities will be: Listening to tenants and service users and working closely with stakeholders. Regulating to support social landlords to meet their obligations and duties for tenants and those who use their housing service, with a focus on: o   landlords’ discharge of…

Regulator announces programme of annual assurance visits to landlords

The Scottish Housing Regulator today announced a programme of visits to landlords to discuss their Annual Assurance Statement. Each year by 31 October every social landlord must prepare and publish an Annual Assurance Statement which confirms whether it meets Regulatory Standards and Requirements. The Regulator will visit 11 landlords to understand their approach to preparing their Statement and how…

Stirling Tenants Assembly (STA) is a member of TPAS, and we are grateful for the support and advice which TPAS are always willing and able to provide. Last year our group had the benefit of training given by TPAS, particularly of use to newer members. The TPAS Annual Conference is an excellent learning opportunity. It is also a superb way to meet people from all areas of Scotland and to hear of their experiences with scrutiny and other activities. This is very helpful. TPAS keeps members continually aware of any events, training, study visits, etc. which members may find of interest.

Anna Johnston
Stirling Tenants Assembly
