Get involved in your regional network!

Established in 2008, the Regional Networks is a tenant and resident led organisation, made up of tenants and residents across Scotland who work together with the Scottish Government to improve housing and well-being and collaborate on development of national policy and housing issues.  Colin Stewart and Shona Gorman recently presented to the TPAS Scotland members about the benefits of getting involved in your local regional network.


Any tenant or resident in Scotland can be a member of Regional Networks provided they are a member of a registered tenant organisation, or a landlord recognised group such as a scrutiny group or a tenants panel. The RN’s represent tenants’ interests in housing, planning, community regeneration, the environment and community safety.


There are 4 regional networks that cover the whole of Scotland: North of Scotland RN, South East of Scotland RN, South West of Scotland RN and Central Scotland RN.  For each network tenants decide the agenda, choose the projects they feel require their involvement and work on the priority issues for tenants.


Scottish Government will engage with the regional networks when they have a consultation that they want feedback from tenants on.  The RNs will share this consultation with their networks, tenant participation staff and landlords and feedback the responses from tenants to Scottish Government; giving each tenant involved a chance to share their thoughts and opinions.


These are just a few of the consultations the RN’s have read and fed back on


  • A New Deal for Tenants
  • Heat in Buildings Strategy
  • Zero Emissions Social Housing Task Force (ZEST)
  • Review of the Scottish Social Housing Charter


In tandem to this, the RN’s also attend a questions and answers session bi-annually with the Minister for Housing, Paul McLennan MSP and the Minister for Tenants’ Rights, Patrick Harvie MSP, talking about issues such as the Social Housing Fuel Support Fund, Housing for varying needs and housing Ukraine citizens in Scotland. At the last one they also discussed Net Zero and decarbonisation.


Working groups involvement


The working groups are a great way for members to get involved in specific projects or tasks. The working groups were established to look at housing policy and practice issues, legislative proposals and tenant interests and priorities.


Current working groups include;

  • Accessibility Group
  • Communications
  • Housing to 2040*
  • Housing Revenue Account (HRA)
  • Rent Affordability*
  • SHR Liaison Group*


The outcomes from the groups marked with * feed into the following Stakeholder groups respectively: –

  • Accessible Housing & Independent Living
  • Housing to 2040 Strategic Board
  • Housing Affordability
  • Scottish Housing Regulator


North of Scotland Regional Networks Chair, Colin Stewart said, “The regional networks play a huge part in giving tenants a voice in what’s happening at Government level.  We want to ensure every tenant in Scotland has a voice and would encourage TPAS Scotland members to talk to us about how they can get involved and ensure their opinions count!”

View the slides from our latest event here:

More information about the regional networks can be found on their website at or email