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Scottish Ministers appoint Andrew Watson as Deputy Chair of SHR board
Today Scottish Ministers have appointed Andrew Watson as Deputy Chair of our board for three years from 1 June 2022. Andrew has served on the Regulator’s Board since 2017. The Board sets the Regulator’s strategic direction and has responsibility for governance and oversight of SHR. Andrew Watson, Deputy Chair of the Scottish Housing Regulator said:…
Regulator publishes final COVID-19 quarterly dashboard
The Scottish Housing Regulator today published the final quarterly dashboard report, covering the period 1 January to 31 March 2022. The COVID-19 return was introduced by the Social Housing Resilience Group in March 2020 to help understand the impact of the pandemic and where support was needed. The final COVID-19 quarterly return submitted by…
CIH Housing Conference- Scotland’s Housing Festival 2022
TPAS Scotland were delighted to be exhibiting and joining in on some of the sessions at this years CIH conference. The place was a buzz with people networking and sharing experiences – it was so nice to see after such a long time. If you visited our stand at the conference, you may have enjoyed…
Janet Strang appointed to Vice Chair of the TPAS Scotland Board
This month sees Janet Strang taking up the position of Vice Chair working alongside Calum MacKay (Chair) to ensure the strategy and operations of TPAS Scotland are managed and governed effectively. Janet has been Board member with TPAS since November 2014 and also sits on the board of Cunningham Housing Association. Janet commented, “I…
TP Certificate provides practical insights on how to improve and measure tenant participation
Housing Officer Bola Akintoye at ng homes successfully completed the TP Certificate through TPAS. We recently spoke to Bola about her experience. Why did you decide to study for the accreditation? At ng homes we are very focused on tenant participation and ensuring our tenants are satisfied with the services we offer. The TP…
Looking forward to seeing you at CIH Scotland’s Housing Festival
TPAS Scotland are looking forward to meeting housing colleagues from across Scotland at the annual CIH Scotland’s Housing Festival. This year’s event taking place in person at the SEC Glasgow on the 19th and 20th May will focus on Housing to 2040 Our housing system Housing futures Housing management TPAS will be on stand 112…
Housing Regulator publishes Strategy and work plans for 2022/23
The Scottish Housing Regulator today published its new Strategy and work plans for 2022/23. The Regulator’s priorities will be: The quality of the homes, tenant and resident safety and the standard of sites for Gypsy/Traveller; Homelessness, with a particular focus on duties to provide temporary and settled accommodation; Landlords’ recovery from the pandemic including handling…
TPAS Scotland – COVID ‘Back on Track’ Programme
COVID has had a massive impact on tenant participation. We have all struggled with no face-to-face contact or ongoing repair issues, with day to day tenant support taking priority. Now things are returning to normal, do you need help to get back on track with your tenant engagement? Lots of organisations want to build back…
What can the Scottish Parliament do to involve more people in its work?
What would help you get your voice heard in the Scottish Parliament? The Parliament’s Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee wants to hear your views. The Scottish Parliament is there to represent everyone in Scotland, but we know that some people are currently more likely to become involved in our work than others. We want…
Regulator advises social landlords on the final COVID-19 quarterly return
The Scottish Housing Regulator has today written to all social landlords to confirm the Social Housing Resilience Group’s decision to end the COVID-19 quarterly information returns. The upcoming return, covering the period 1 January to 31 March 2022, will be the final return. Landlords are asked to submit this by 29 April 2022. The COVID-19…
Barrhead Housing Association introduces new Passport programme to help tackle homelessness in Scotland
A new initiative developed by the Barrhead Housing Association has seen staff go into schools in Barrhead to talk to young people about their options for housing when they leave school, as a drive to reduce homelessness across Scotland. Funded by Scottish Government through the SFHA Scottish Homeless Prevention Passport, this initiative ‘The Tenancy Resettlement…
We recently caught up with Estelle Smith, Housing Officer at Hjaltland Housing Association to find out why she decided to apply for the TP Certificate and how she found the course
Estelle joined the Hjaltland Housing Association in 2007 as a Housing Officer, drawing on her customer service experience to help deliver an excellent service to their tenants. Estelle is responsible for organising regular tenant focus group meetings and ensuring that members are provided with relevant and any requested information in order for them to give…
Stirling Tenants Assembly (STA) is a member of TPAS, and we are grateful for the support and advice which TPAS are always willing and able to provide. Last year our group had the benefit of training given by TPAS, particularly of use to newer members. The TPAS Annual Conference is an excellent learning opportunity. It is also a superb way to meet people from all areas of Scotland and to hear of their experiences with scrutiny and other activities. This is very helpful. TPAS keeps members continually aware of any events, training, study visits, etc. which members may find of interest.
Anna Johnston
Stirling Tenants Assembly