Your Regional Network Needs You!
The Regional Networks of tenants and residents were established in 2008 to enable tenants and residents to engage and work with the Scottish Government on development of national housing policy. Four Regional Networks cover the whole of Scotland, with each Network covering several local authority areas. Our members are drawn from representatives of Registered Tenants Organisations (RTOs) and recognised landlord groups, and our key objective is to improve the housing and well-being of tenants and residents in Scotland. We work collaboratively with the Scottish Government in a variety of ways, including representation on a range of Scottish Government working groups, regular input to Scottish Government consultations, working directly with officials and regular meetings with the Scottish Housing Regulator, (SHR), Minister for Tenants’ Rights and the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government. You can find out more about the Regional Networks and how we work on our website: Regional Networks bringing tenants, residents and the Scottish Government together | Regional Networks
We currently have several vacancies on our committees, and we would love to hear from interested tenants or residents who are part of an RTO or other landlord-recognised group and are keen to join us. If you’re interested in applying to join the Networks or would like to know more, please contact us via TPAS at
Our upcoming virtual AGM on Saturday 3 June 2023 will also be a great opportunity to learn more about our work and meet some of our members, so please look out for invitations to this event, which will be issued over the coming weeks. It would be great to have as many tenants and residents as possible join us for this session!