Time to Reinvent
Here’s an introduction to Mike’s talk 👇🏻
One of our ‘not to be missed’ speakers on day one of this year’s Annual Conference is Mike Stevenson. Mike has a truly inspiring story to tell as he’s transitioned from being homeless sleeping on the streets of London to a multi-awarding winning entrepreneur and international speaker. Chucked out of school at 15, and with many months sleeping on the streets, Mike had 29 jobs before his 26th birthday including steelworker, wine bottler, hod-carrier, hospital orderly, biscuit packer, community worker, musician, actor and changemaker.
Mike’s motivational work was given special recognition on three successive years with a Business in the Community award for Raising the Attainment of Young People while his community investments made him one of only 21 UK company directors to be awarded at Downing Street, the inaugural Community Mark. In 2011, he picked up New Start Magazines Better Places Award and was a founder member of Glasgow’s Wise Group, then of multi-award-winning creative agency Design Links, and more recently Thinktastic. He partnered Disney in two successive Masterclass Events in Scotland.
Now his purpose is to re-energise and reinvent – especially at a time of political and economic turmoil.
His talk at the conference will focus on 3 key themes:
Words that lift and inspire
Delegates will learn how the words we use can be all powerful. Mike will show how Scotland’s tendency towards negative or officious language acts against our best interests. As an example, one Mayor in Brazil, just by using a simple positive vision, started a radical transformation in his city. He will share many examples of how language changes can make a huge difference to energy, purpose and results.
No budget or low budget initiatives and ideas
Many of the best initiatives started with no budget. Budgets can restrict what we do, because they often come with preconditions and boxes to be ticked. Mike will explore how human spirit, the power of creativity and blood, sweat and tears can stretch us to greater heights that can become a magnet for money. It is the flip effect.
The power of creativity
Creatives do not follow rules. Human progress has always come from people who have broken the rules. Delegates will hear some inspiring examples of sea change ideas, linked back into the housing and community challenges we face today. From ‘Go to work on an egg’ in the 1960s’ to the ‘Cadbury’s Smash’ adverts in the 80s, creative people know how to engage the human mind. Mike will apply that thinking to housing and offer some ideas. He will also talk about how children, our greatest creative resource, have helped him rethink challenges and why big corporates involve children in developing future products and services. Prepare for some BIG ideas here for the sector.