Tenants’ Forum: Exploring social landlords’ performance information

By Jacqueline Norwood, TPAS Scotland Executive Director

Our most recent Tenants’ Forum looked at social landlord’s performance information and how tenants can access this information.

Thirteen tenants from across Scotland joined us to discuss this topic. Tenants shared how they are currently accessing performance information, and it was found that social landlords’ websites, tenants’ meetings and newsletters were the joint most common methods. These methods were followed by tenant satisfaction surveys, social landlords providing direct feedback on a particular issue, customer experience feedback and other types of meetings.

Together, the group then looked at the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) website to see what data is available on housing associations and co-operatives’ performance. The tenants looked at the SHR’s comparison tool which allows you to compare up to four social landlords’ performance at a time in terms of home types and rent information, tenant satisfaction, and quality and maintenance of homes. The group found this to be a useful and easy to use tool for clearly presenting and comparing performance information from their social landlord with others.

Overall, the group said they felt that they can access the information they require on their housing association or co-operative’s performance, and their social landlord has methods in place for them to ask questions and to suggest improvements.

Our next Tenants’ Forum will be held on 6 May. Keep an eye on our events calendar for further information. The forum is open to all tenants whose landlord is a member of TPAS.