Tenants at the heart of Scottish Regulators work
Regulator renews its commitment to involving tenants and service users
The Scottish Housing Regulator has published its new plan for involving tenants and service users in its work. The plan shows how tenants and service users will stay at the heart of the Regulator’s work.
TPAS welcome their renewed commitment to putting tenants needs, views and priorities at the centre of their work. Working directly with tenants in its regulation activities keeps them focussed on the issues that matter most to tenants.
Michael Cameron, CEO, Scottish Housing Regulator, recently took part in our well attended webinar. He took the opportunity to discuss the new plan with a group of tenants, tenants groups and staff working in the housing sector.
Lesley CEO, TPAS, said We will continue to support all our members, tenants and customers to ensure they can make the most of this opportunity to contribute directly to the Regulators work. Involving and engaging tenants directly and working in partnership is essential for improving all our services.
The video gives a short summary of their new plan for how they will involve tenants and service users in their work.
Read the Regulator’s plan for how it will involve tenants and service users in its work.
Watch the Regulator’s information video here.