Scottish Housing Regulator re-affirms its commitment to equalities
The Scottish Housing Regulator’s Equalities Statement, published today, re-states how it aims to encourage better and positive equality outcomes for tenants, people who are homeless and Gypsy/Travellers through its regulation of social landlords. It also re-affirms the Regulator’s commitment to ensuring equality within its own organisation.
Some of the most vulnerable people in Scotland use social landlords’ services and many have one or more of the protected characteristics listed in the Equality Act 2010.
The Statement outlines the work the Regulator has done over the last three years to promote equalities, and its objectives for the future.
John Jellema, Assistant Director of Regulation, said: “We are committed to meeting our equality obligations and promoting the importance of equality in how we regulate. We expect social landlords to comply with equality legislation, to work to understand the individual needs of tenants, people who are homeless and Gypsy/Travellers, and to deliver services that recognise and meet these needs. We also promote equality as an employer, and work to ensure our staff are knowledgeable on equality issues and how they impact on our work.”