Regulator’s National Panel highlights the ongoing financial difficulties facing tenants

New research published today by the Scottish Housing Regulator highlights the continuing financial difficulties tenants are experiencing.

Around a fifth of members who took part in the annual survey of the National Panel of Tenants and Service Users were not managing well financially at the time of the survey, with almost a third often having to delay or miss paying a bill. Increased food and energy costs were the biggest contributors to financial difficulties.

More than two thirds of respondents had experienced difficulty heating their home. and more than one in ten respondents are currently experiencing difficulties in affording their rent.

Helen Shaw, the Regulator’s Director of Regulation, said: “Feedback from the National Panel shows the scale of the ongoing financial pressures tenants and their families continue to face. The research, alongside our other engagements with tenants and service users, helps to understand the priorities, experiences and views of people who use social landlords’ services. We will use the research to help inform our work, including our review of Charter indicators.”

The research was carried out for the Regulator by Engage Scotland.

The National Panel of Tenants and Service Users has more than 420 members. It is open to anyone who is a social housing tenant or uses a social landlord’s services. Membership is diverse and includes people from urban and rural areas, across age bands, local authority and RSL tenants. Anyone interested in joining the Panel should contact Engage Scotland at

The Regulator’s report form the National Panel of Tenants and Service Users 2023-24 is available on its website