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We’re supporting STV’s Big Scottish Breakfast Appeal
Our chosen charity for 2022 is STV’s Big Scottish Breakfast appeal. We missed out on a face-to-face fundraising event last year so this year, in partnership with our friends at Clydebank Housing Association, we are running a Big Scottish Breakfast event on Friday 21st October at Centre81, Clydebank between 9am and 12noon (and everyone is…
Social housing tenants have a statutory right to have a say in the running of their homes, but what does that mean in practice?
“Communities have to have a say in decisions that affect them, and housing has one of the biggest impacts on people’s lives.” Helen Barton, TPAS In a recent podcast hosted by Jimmy Black and Kieran Findlay of Scottish Housing News our very own Helen Barton spoke with Castlehill Housing Association tenant Colin Stewart and tenant…
Freezing Rents and Protecting Tenants
Emergency legislation was proposed to the Scottish Parliament yesterday to increase protection for tenants from rent rises and eviction action during the cost-of-living crisis. If approved, this Bill will give Ministers temporary power to cap rents for private and social tenancies; effectively freezing rents to at least 31 March 2023. Enforcement of eviction actions resulting…
Social landlords must continue to vigorously challenge expenditure to keep rents as affordable as possible for tenants, says Regulator
Social landlords must challenge expenditure to ensure rents continue to provide value for money for tenants. This is the main finding of a new Report published today by the Scottish Housing Regulator. The report is the outcome of the Regulator’s thematic review of rent increases by Scottish social landlords. It is published in the context of the…
Scottish Housing Regulator publishes its National Report on the Scottish Social Housing Charter 2021/22
The Scottish Housing Regulator today published its National Report on the Scottish Social Housing Charter. The report gives the headline findings of social landlords’ performance against the standards and outcomes of the Scottish Social Housing Charter during 2021/22 as well as headlines from the Scottish Government’s latest homelessness statistics. The report sets out the continued impact of…
TPAS Scotland and The Regional Networks Affordability Survey
TPAS Scotland and The Regional Networks have come together to consult with tenants and landlords on how social housing rent is set in Scotland. We would appreciate you giving your views by filling in the enclosed survey to help identify how landlords are setting rent, what rent setting best practice looks like, and how tenants…
Regulator’s National Panel reinforces the scale of the financial difficulties facing tenants
New research from the Scottish Housing Regulator highlights the extent of the financial difficulties being experienced by tenants. The report brings together feedback from the National Panel of Tenants and Service Users. A quarter of panel members who responded said that they are not currently managing well financially, with around 6 in 10 saying that…
Frances Carson – a Community Superstar!
Frances was joint winner of the Alan Ferguson Tenant Champion of the Year at the recent National Good Practice Awards 2022 and her success is down to her amazing commitment and community spirit to drive change. Chairperson of Muirhead Tenants and Residents Association (MTRA) for the last 8 years and Chair of the local…
Meet Leonora Montgomery who is Driving resident and tenant participation in the North East of Scotland for over 17 years!
Our latest Members Spotlight is shining on a wholly inspiring lady – Leonora Montgomery from Aberdeen – whose mission is ‘to make sure all residents and tenants have a voice’. Leonora has been involved in tenant and resident participation for the last 17 years both locally and nationally. During this time, she has continued to embrace…
Scottish Housing Regulator shares lessons from compliance reviews to support Registered Social Landlords
The Scottish Housing Regulator today published advisory guidance on lessons learned to support Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) when they are conducting reviews of compliance with the Regulatory Standards of Governance and Financial Management. The guidance shares advice and lessons learned from real-life compliance reviews for landlords to consider when carrying out their own reviews, particularly in preparation for submitting…
Regional Networks works with TPAS Scotland and the Scottish Government to release survey on rent affordability
Over the past year the Regional Networks supported by TPAS Scotland and the Scottish Government, have undertaken research around affordability in the social rented sector, supported by the Minister for Tenants Rights, Patrick Harvie MSP. Research to-date has involved speaking to landlords on how they set rents, learning about affordability tools and how they…
A Jubilee of collaboration and learning at this year’s TPAS Annual Conference
Covid has challenged everyone over the last 2 years. Resilience and determination have meant tenants and landlords have found new ways of working that meant they can fully participate and engage in their local communities. The TPAS Annual Conference which took place from 10 – 12 June at the Golden Jubilee Hotel near Glasgow brought…
Stirling Tenants Assembly (STA) is a member of TPAS, and we are grateful for the support and advice which TPAS are always willing and able to provide. Last year our group had the benefit of training given by TPAS, particularly of use to newer members. The TPAS Annual Conference is an excellent learning opportunity. It is also a superb way to meet people from all areas of Scotland and to hear of their experiences with scrutiny and other activities. This is very helpful. TPAS keeps members continually aware of any events, training, study visits, etc. which members may find of interest.
Anna Johnston
Stirling Tenants Assembly