Another hugely successful National Good Practice Awards for 2024. Your winners and runners up were:

Involving Tenants in Shaping & Scrutinising Services Award
sponsored by Scottish Government
The winner of this award was Castlehill Housing Association who have delivered a sheltered housing service that is exactly what their tenants want.
Runners up for this category were Scrutiny at Scottish Borders Housing Association.

Communities Supporting Communities
sponsored by Cunninghame Housing Association, recognising individuals and/or groups within local communities.
The winner of this category was Flourishing Faifley. nominated by Knowes Housing Association who are improving the health and wellbeing of all local people, building connections and friendships, and learning new skills through
- A community garden
- Parents and toddlers’ groups
- Clubs for ceramics, crafts, books, walking, and
- a Men’s club encouraging new connections, via bushcraft activities; informal tea / coffee / pizza sessions; fishing trips and walks.
The runner-up in this category was Peace of Mind who are supporting around 40 individuals and 5 different groups across Fife, helping to reduce social isolation in people with mental health problems and learning difficulties.

Tenant Team of the Year Award
sponsored by Fife Council
The Tenant Team of the Year Award recognises the great work and commitment happening across the country. This category was sponsored by Fife Council
Winner of the Tenant team of the Year for 2024 is Future Wyndford Focus Group from Maryhill in Glasgow.
And the runner-up in this category was Auchmuty and Dovecot Tenants and Residents Association.

Communicating with Tenants and Residents
sponsored by the Wheatley Housing Group
The winners in this category were Scottish Borders Tenants Organisation and Scottish Borders Housing Association who are supporting their communities through a mix of face to face and digital communications.
The runners-up in this category - Bield Housing and Care - used their tenants’ idea of plain language videos in bite-sized segments to help with registering on their landlord’s new online portal.

Tenant Voice Award
Rewarding how organisations ensure the tenant voice is heard, listened to, and acted on.
The winner of this category was Link Housing Association who work with a wide range of groups and over 1,200 individual tenants who
- have registered to be asked their views,
- uses various digital engagement methods to enhance the tenant voice.
- Ensure tenants voices shape their online tenant event, summer fun day and other activities.
And the runner-up’s success stems from disappointing results in their satisfaction survey. They were listening. They set up groups giving opportunities to engage. The allocated resources. They filled in communication gap and are revamping their TP structures. The runner-up was Beild Housing Association’s Our people, our home, our communities

Tenant of the Year - The Alan Ferguson Award
sponsored by Fife Council
Both the winner and runners-up in this category have made a difference to the tenant community and/or groups they have worked with, and they’ve been inclusive in how they have considered the needs of others.
The winner was Christine Ritchie of Brucefield TRA from Fife Council who was recognised locally for her multi-cultural and multi-faith events.
The runner-up was Lewis McGill from Aberdeen who is a real community hero.

Engaging Tenants in Environmental Initiatives Award
sponsored by Albyn Housing Society
The winner of this new category was the Raigmore Residents Association in Inverness, nominated by Highland Council for their great work in
- Creating a food larder to tackle food waste and food poverty in their community,
- when community growing spaces produce gluts, they remove barriers stopping residents foraging
The runners-up in this category were Casimir Garden Community Group from the Hebridean Housing Partnership who have regenerated a local gardening group that was disbanded during Covid.

Best Practice in Involving Young People award
sponsored by Elderpark Housing Association
This award recognises the great work being undertaken by our young people.
The winner of this category was Aberdeen Youth Movement who show an unwavering commitment to youth voice and youth empowerment.
And the runners-up in this category were Wheatley Homes South who host a youth led group to encourage active engagement of young people aged 12-25.
A special mention went to 15 years old Josh McCook from Caol Resident Group for his volunteering work and dedication.

Best Practice in Widening Engagement Award
sponsored by Link Housing
The winner was Perth & Kinross Council’s Digital Inclusion Project, promoting digital, financial, and social inclusion.
And the runners-up were Kingdom Housing Association who provided a scheme giving customers access to £20,000 every year to support ideas, projects and events that could improve the area.