All our events are listed here.

We have a full annual programme of learning, information and catch up webinars. Scroll the arrow below to see the following months events.

march, 2025

Event Registration Form

  • Please state the name of the event that you wish to book.
  • Please state the event date
  • Please provide the name of the person attending the event
  • Please provide the name of your organisation

Grampian Housing Association is a member of TPAS because it offers a range of excellent training courses and conferences at member rates which are available for staff and tenants alike. These events create a sense of community meeting other organisations and sharing best practice. Staff at TPAS are friendly and approachable and with their wealth of knowledge on customer participation helps advise the Association with current legislation.

Katie Taylor
Grampian Housing Association


Past Events

Scrutiny Week

We hosted three full mornings in collaboration with our wonderful members’, tenants, landlords and staff teams. It was a brilliant, interactive few days, full of golden nuggets of wisdom from our presenters, great questions, and comments from participants and many new and some not so new faces.

Tenant Voice Scotland Survey Results

We are really pleased to announce the results from our first National Tenant Voice survey The first Tenant Voice Survey (TVS) gathered views on tenant experiences during the Covid 19 pandemic with a focus on relationships with their social landlords.