Communication and inclusion during #Covid19
Times are changing and, if anything Covid-19 has really made us all reassess how we communicate, maximise tenant involvement during lockdown to ensure tenants’ voices are still being heard.
Now is a good time to reflect on approaches to involvement, engagement and inclusion during #Covid19. Tenants, the people who know your services best, are in the best position to inform future direction and how precious resources should be prioritised.
TPAS Scotland are busy talking to members, customers and tenants to find out what works locally and sharing this so that we are all in a better position to respond to tenants needs.
TPAS have provided expert advice in our first two webinars that were recorded recently.
The recordings provide flexible, practical approaches and tips to help you maximise tenant involvement during #UKLockdown
Keeping Engaged with Tenants
In conjunction with the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations Lesley the CEO of TPAS Scotland shares her experience, tips and ideas. Using data from a TPAS survey she shares concerns from tenants at the beginning of the pandemic and their preferences for staying in touch. View the webinar recording here.
Hints, Tips and Chat
In the second webinar two members of the TPAS team Lesley and Leza Lafferty, who works with Stirling Council, host a session with members and tenant participation officers and discuss the practical ways to engage, support and communicate with tenants and residents. View the webinar recording here.
You have told us that these are really useful, supportive and important for staying in touch and keeping up to date with tenant participation and inclusion during #Covid19 in the social housing sector.
Anne Ross from Riverclyde Homes said ‘ Just to say a big thank you for today. It was really good to hear from the three speakers and everyone else and all the things they are currently doing’.
Future Webinars for tenant inclusion during #Covid19
TPAS will be hosting monthly webinairs. And we are very pleased to announce the next one.
18th June with the Scottish Housing Regulator, Chief Executive, Michael Cameron discussing regulation post lockdown.
Find out more information about this webinar here.