North Lanarkshire Federation working with TPAS to boost Tenant Participation

Tenant participation is at the heart of North Lanarkshire Federation (NLF).  Working in partnership with North Lanarkshire Council and other local Registered Social Landlords, NLF’s aim is to strengthen and unify the voice of local tenant and resident groups and ensure local community’s ideas, actions and beliefs are part of the Council and Landlords decision making processes.


We recently spoke with Tracy Lennon, Tenant Participation Manager at North Lanarkshire Council (responsible for NLF strategic objectives) who highlighted the benefits TPAS Scotland offers their organisation.  “The work TPAS Scotland do to support tenants and landlords is instrumental for the social housing sector.  We were really impressed with the agility of TPAS Scotland during Covid, moving all their learning sessions and events online.  We still had a job to do in tenant participation but needed up-to-date information to help us, and we made good use of these learning sessions to help inform our team and our tenants on the latest developments and best practice processes from across the sector.   I particularly like the fact that all the online sessions are pitched just right, so everyone feels included.



We receive regular updates from TPAS about Scottish Government and the Scottish Housing Regulator requirements and policies, which we use to disseminate to our tenants and wider community.  These are really useful.


We have recently gone through the TPAS Accreditation.  We highlighted a lot of things in our TP strategy, and wanted a benchmark to recognise those elements and the TPAS Accreditation is perfect for that.  Tony Kelly has been great at signposting us along the way to ensure we have all the relevant documentation and procedures in place.  We’re aiming for Gold and keeping our fingers crossed that we achieve it.   We are also considering other support that TPAS Scotland can provide around tenant engagement and training as part of our future strategy.


I would recommend that all members should talk to their TPAS representative to find out what membership benefits are available to them.”