The TPAS Annual Conference is the leading event for the social housing sector in Scotland. It is designed and delivered in partnership with housing associations, tenants and stakeholders from across the housing sector to learn, share best practice and challenge ideas and policies.
The 2022 conference took place from Friday 10th to Sunday 12th June in Clydebank, Glasgow and brought together 200 people from across the sector to discuss the theme of building stronger, happier & healthier communities following the pandemic.
The conference boasted inspiring talks across the 3 days from key individuals including Patrick Harvie MSP, Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants’ Rights, Craig Sanderson of Edinburgh Poverty Commission, Callum Chomrz, CIH Director, Jehan Weerasinghe, Managing Director of GHA and Tina Mistry, Relationships Manager, AICO.
Delegates also attended a series of practical workshops sharing insights, skills and knowledge around key topics to support them in their tenant participation roles.
The National Good Practice Awards are a key part of the conference and celebrate the good work and community involvement individuals, organisations and groups have delivered. You can find out more about the winners and runners up from this year’s awards here.
Here's what Patrick Harvie MSP, Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants' Rights had to say:
Keynote presentations

MSP Patrick Harvie, Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants’ Rights
Government Strategy for Tenant Participation

Jehan Weerasinghe, Managing Director of Glasgow Housing Association
Navigating the Climate Crisis

Tony Boyle, AICO
Introduction to Scotland’s Residents Safety & Wellbeing Forum

Callum Chomczuk National Director (Scotland) at Chartered Institute of Housing
Shared understanding of affordability in the rental sector

Craig Sanderson – Edinburgh Poverty Commission
Affordable? Aye Right
If you are a TPAS member and attended the conference, you can access the workshop and other presentations in the Members Lounge by logging in here.
View the gallery
We've uploaded the photographs from the conference - so see if you can spot yourself here!
It is very important for the team at TPAS to ensure our tenants, landlords and partners all have a voice in the structure, activities, speakers and themes of our conference. If you or any of your colleagues would like to get involved on our advisory group to help us shape the 2023 conference, please drop an email to before 31 Aug 2022.